A man is a man by his actions, nothing else
A man protects those who are mishandled
A man would never watch a woman be
Mistreated by another man in any way
A man is supposed to be independent
So he can hustle for himself to serve those
Who need his help.
A man can be a man by going to initiation school
But being a real man comes with responsibilities
You have to work for the title “man”
You cannot be given the title
While you do nothing for you to be called a man
The title “man” is pricey.
Don’t go around telling people you’re a man
Whereas your actions are still a boy’s actions
You’ve gotta sweat to be called a man
You’ve gotta lead by example
Your actions say it all.
People’ve gotta notice you walking down there
That, that one is a man
Without you telling them that you’re a man
You can’t go around bullying people
Telling them that you’re a man
So they’ve gotta call you “Bhuti”.
Respect is earned
You’ve gotta respect people so they can also respect you.
You can’t go around forcing people to respect you
Just because you’re a “man”
When that respect doesn’t come back to you.
You give what you take, you take what you give.
A man is a man by his actions