Set by blocks’ boundary not knowing how to escape the cubes of chess…
Moves start with piece of minds…
Black starts later but has chance to win, frame not in favour of kinds…
But with blends oh strategic minds, blinds enemy’s thoughts to tragedy.
Changes start mentally, Joe blind minds start winning in the beginning of game.
Moves need to be made, sacrifices need to be slaughtered but that doesn’t mean
The plans will go through the edge of the board, that’s life you can’t dodge, it’s lame…
Critical thinkers don’t put themselves in the predicament that is far less the same…
That’s chess life with its fame..
Your loss must be your gross profit, lesson to predict the fate of the future.
Time lapse, you need to have every move cross planned, to defend and defeat anything.
Before hands flap, clap, you need to gamble sometimes..
Bad moves always sting in the end.
Your brain is a prison of your terrible crimes.
Your treasons will always come out even when you play nicely
Life is like a chess game. Every decision, just like every move, has consequences.
Therefore, decide your sequences wisely!
Because in life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate…