Whose hair is
The right quality,
Texture and length?
Where is the stamp
That approves and
Accredits hair?
Is my hair
Made for going out,
Interviews and events?
Does it fit a wedding day?
A day of truth,
And honesty
Is my hair fit for me?
Does it need pulling,
Ironing, burning, stretching
To fit in, to be in?
Who discriminates against it?
Who hates it so much?
Who decides, whether
I wear it as it is…?
Or I trim and cut it?
Should I shade, shave,
Curl or tie it in rows
Is it still my crown?
Do I need a doek
To cover and hide it
Or should I wear it anyway?
Is it nappy, is it shameful
Does it make a good first
Will you be my friend
If I keep my hair?
Will you award me with
My hair?
Do I need a wig to
Cover it, a second hand
To go over it?