The sun shines bright and warm through my window.
The winter sun is unlike any other,
It invites you into its warmth,
Yet it will often cause you to catch the cold.
Leaves rain down from the trees,
While others dance in the wind and cling on.
The tones of green, red, orange and yellow.
Some are either unaware of their fate, or simply choose to embrace it.
The morning air can be crisp,
Leaving you with a burning sensation as it sweeps through the scent of your nose.
During the day people walk about in shorts and sleeveless vests.
The deep night chill, however, will be sure to sway us back into reality.
Although autumn reminds us of the need for change,
And winter almost always seems longer than it really is,
We, here in Africa, live for the hot summer days.
Spring is the beautiful empress that will show winter out and welcome summer in.