I am from a place known as one of the richest
Yet cannot feed its people.
A place so poor with a multitude

I am from a place where the soil is blessed and the rain never fail to fall.
A place where farming is as easy as the sun rising, yet starvation reigns.

I am from a place where unity is a priority and good news is celebrated by family, friends and neighbors.
A place where joy is shown through music and dancing.
Equally stylized to move the hips from left to right,
Some call it the snake dance.
Yet it is loud enough to move the feet and hands simultaneously

I am from a place I do not know much about
But lives through the stories shared over the phone and around dinner,
Stories that bring joy, sorrow and anger.

The heart of Africa, bleeding for its people day and night.

I am from the centre of Africa.
The place known as the DRCongo, my home.