You loved me when nobody did
Took me from being no one to someone
Understood even when I messed up totally
You stood by me even when the world stormed at me
Through you so much I have learnt and achieved
I will never be a perfect man but a good man with intensions…

You are the inspiration behind me
The vision we together share keeps me strong
In a million women I have chosen you because you were born for me
Together we share a deep love that conquers all duels ahead of us
Having you as half of my heart and soul is just a pure blessing
Now that I have found you I look no further for a wife but to you my princess…

You are nothing but a jewel
I wish to die in its presence
In your presence I feel so much like a child in a womb
You are a woman that all my life I have dreamt and looked for
For the joy and gift you have brought to my life I shall forever appreciate
I see all fit to give you credit for the stable relationship we have
Once in a life time my dream of being truly loved came through…

You have gifted me with a great reason to live for
You’re just an exceptionally amazing woman I have ever met in my life
You have all the qualities I see in a woman I will live with till death approaches me
I have never felt the adoration I feel for you for any woman in my life before you
No words that can explain your meaning and value to my life sweety
You’re the best there’s to have for me in life…

With tears of joy I am destined to you
I am what fit no women’s heart but only yours
Together may we forever live and achieve our dreams as one
Dreams are only possible when out of any life situations we believe
I’d rather be unhappy with you than live a luxury life in your misery
You’re the one woman I will forever do everything in life with…

I write this poem to express the deeper inner of my heart & soul about how I feel about you, Zintle Mqatana… Times for playing are over but only time to capitalise on the time wasted before… I love you