I’ll never forget that day,

I wish I could, but the memory won’t go away

It was a chilly day, the day that froze my heart, the 2nd of May

The sudden ring of the phone echoed through the silent room

I walked to the phone, but my feet were heavy as if I was approaching my doom

I hesitated for a second then quickly swiped to the right

The caller gave me the news, 

I wanted to say something but my lips were dry and tight

He continued…“I’m sorry but you have to accept that David is no more…”

“He took his own life, they found his lifeless body on the floor”

I ended the call and a million thoughts flooded my head

Was my friend really gone? 

I shouted from the top of my lungs: “David is not dead!”

What about the picnic and all the food we were gonna eat?

All the crazy adventures we would meet 

and all the clothes we would fit?

Why didn’t he tell me how he was feeling?

How could he stop his beautiful heart from beating?

Fat tears rolled down my cheeks,

reality kicked in like a punch to the stomach,

a lump rose in my throat

The room got colder, almost as if death had arrived to gloat

To look me in the eye and feed his ego with my sorrow

I lay on the floor, broken and frozen with no hope for tomorrow

I knew my life would change,

I knew I’d have to live with the scar

I believe that David is up to there with the stars

And that he looks down on me with pride

Because no matter how hard it gets, I continue to fight