The more I visit your house, the more I
Keep on shining.
The more I read your words of wisdom,
The greater I misinterpret your words
The more I listen to your psalms of gospel,
The higher secular music keeps on holding my hand
everywhere like a blind man
Though I don’t thank you for rubbing off
Diseases on my body, I just want to thank you
for sparing a life on me for others are still suffering
from the same skulls of diseases
Others are no longer sharing their smiles with
Their houses for they are now married to the
Sometimes, the hospital unmercifully takes out
Their souls
Then they become a slumber party to the house of
For death never gets tired of snatching lives out of
Their bodies
Mortuaries also never get tired of keeping them
Like soil that receives anything that comes on its way.
But I am thankful for the light you sprinkled on my path
as I was trembling and falling in the valleys
Of sins.
For you are the way to eternal life, lead me
Oh Lord
at all the times as I delete my sins
I am thankful for this gift of life,
though my mouth never remembers to say it on its own
Though I don’t spend most of my minutes as I still breathe,
to thank you for the gift of sight
You placed on me, let me just say thank you
Oh Lord
for others are still blind to see how
Beautiful your creation is