Heads or tails,
I don’t know what this entails,
But that first eye contactå
Really made a colossal impact,
I got to learn everything you liked,
And had to lose those I called delicious and superfine
Just to qualify myself,
I got so obsessed with you, and headstrong,
But your mind was so agitated by various passions
That I didn’t relate that to your ear, I was just a vexatious song,

You hushed up just not to hurt me,
Dumb as a bag of hammers I didn’t read in,
I still whistled past the graveyard,
Not because there was hope,
But the heart had its wants and the hand still wanted to hold yours,
Come hell or high water,
I was ready to give my all, even later,
For a moment I thought, maybe it’s my drama,
I even let my God down thinking it was karma,
Maybe the universe doesn’t want us together,
Look we’re being separated by the quarantine,
And now the end is nigh,
But for the nonce, I adore you.