Ah baa! Osagyefo’s call,
Dr. Nkrumah’s call?
Is our cause, is our cause,
If you knew this,
You would care to quote
“……keep Thou my feet,
I do not ask to see
The distant scene;
One step enough for me”.
His role was distinct
And illustrious,
Their books branded him; monstrous,
Indeed, indeed! He was monstrous,
Herculean ‘positive actor’
Moving with passion
In inked pages of history;
Colonialism, Pan-Africanism and
The African liberation struggle
“Victim of his own prophecies’’
Don’t listen to the controversies,
The conspiracies,
Don’t be nonplussed,
Stand! And give him some courtesy,
Set forth in the steps he stood last,
For we are not here to last,
Since the new era dawned,
Revealed were the real conspirators,
Prepared they channels by neo-colonists,
To control world markets,
Ah baa! What is inside the call?
The call from the past,
Which is just “a guide and a mirror-
Not a ladder to the sun”,
But the future is the concrete, the fabric everything of our society,
“One tree cannot make a forest”,
When the prophet passes,
Falls the tallest of trees in the forest,
Don’t mind the rumors,
The tags they put on our legends,
That’s the nature of the trip to Calvary,
“We do not seek vengeance”,
Oppressors can become allies,
Like Madiba did apartheid,
Like he did “self-appointed controllers
…..who strode across our land….
With incredible inhumanity without mercy”,
We cannot remain the footstool of imperialism;
The exploited and the degraded,
Ah baa! Dr. Nkrumah’s call;
“Once, one of us is not free,
We are all not free”,
Ah baa! Stand up like Patrice Lumumba,
Jomo Kenyatta, William R. Tolbert,
A wise youngster, is the young,
A young who gleans from history,
With binoculars fixed on
The mistakes of omission and commission of our forefathers.