Incredulous thoughts busy jumping
Ups and downs.
As I ponder into deep oceans.
The sky is too high for my limits.
Even my limitless power
Couldn’t be effective.
The effectiveness lies in eagerness.
As I lay down and lay low
On my arrogance.
Sat down and counted my downfalls
Then I saw terrifying scares
Undergoing the patch of healing
But still standing!
Victory is adorableness.
Looking at the beauteousness of overcoming.
That’s a blessing.
Horrific scares are nothing compared to
My mind took a deep pause, then back to reality.
A mirror gives what it gets
So is the mind…Yours it’s to think
Positive and you shall be positive
Second thoughts will keep on showing up
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be
Your mind could be your biggest enemy.