I’m a loser,
Undignified person with loose traps
Of uncertain life persona.
Every time I close my eyes,
Pain comes trembling,
Attacking thoughts of love in my heart.
I was once a role model,
But now I’m a loser.
I’m like lightning, hated by many.
Cracks of laughter behind my back are cracking.
Low self-esteem has struck me.
Everyone distances himself from me because I’m a loser.
I was loved,
I was taken care of.
I used to smile each and every moment,
But now,
That’s all history.
I’m a loser.
Suicidal thoughts keep ringing in my mind,
My mind keeps bringing all sorts of poisonous poison,
One attempt,
I’ll be gone.
Then I’ll reclaim my dignity,
Everyone will start loving me,
Tears will start dropping,
But for now,
I’m still a loser.
I can’t run away from the fact that,
No one loves me because I’m a bad person.
The sun will rise again.