I have done everything that I thought was good,
my strengths are now completely gone.
All sweats seem to be absolutely gone,
My kinsmen like flowers have withered.
Where shall I go with my brains?
As my foot are wrecked with strains,
who can release me from these pains?
Since I am the laughing-stock to my neighbours.
My eyes blinded with the flowing tears,
I’m stooped with my heavy back weight.
Proved that this generation failed to
accommodate my height.
Only to say my last prayer for eternal freight,
as casting a building in the air, we have all failed.
As on my way to bid farewell to the unknown,
my eyes see light at the end of my dark tunnel.
On top there’s a rock, on it words scribbled:
“I know my plans for you, neither to harm
nor destroy you. But to prosper you”.