Where are you?
Where can I find you?
Where did you hide yourself?
Why did you leave me?
What have I done to you?
What happened between you and me?

I’ve been looking for you,
But you were nowhere to be found.
I’ve been trying to get hold of you,
But still you were nowhere to be found.
I’ve been asking everyone about you,
But everyone is shutting me down.

Why didn’t you take me with you?
Am I not your son?
Are you not my father?
Did you conceive me by mistake?
Am I the product of an unplanned pregnancy?
Why did you abandon me?

I know that I can live without you,
But I need a father’s love.
How am I going to raise my children
While I don’t know a father’s love?
Mom did her best raising me.
She took me to school.

Are you going to come back for me?
Are you going to teach me the father’s love?
Are you going to be here with me?
Are you going to take me with you?
Are you going to live with me here?
Where am I going to get all these answers?

I thank my mom for raising me.
I thank my mom for being here with me.
I thank my mom for showing me her love.
I thank my mom for taking me to school.
I thank my mom for teaching me how to speak.
You are the best mom.