Shamble as a tortoise towards a mirror,
Stand in front of it and turn around,
Sway as a tree driven by a wind,
Shed shamefaced, shed some nervousness
And let a mirror expose a little secret,
A reflection has no lies, has open secrets,
A reflection of roses coming into bloom

The mirror reiterates what I’ve said to you,
I’ve said you are nearer to beauty and far away
From ugliness but you didn’t believe,
Believe it.

You are not charmed yet? Look at it
You are a flower
Maybe God took his precious time
To create such a well-shaped body
This creation is abusing my mentality.

A row of trees seems so useless
It grows in summer, gets dry in winter
Our love will be in constant motion
Tackling our love life
Will require more acceleration
Growing and glittering
In summer and winter.
Let the sun sparkle as a moon light,
Let the rain rain with love, not storms

We would dance in a valley of valentines,
Valley of valentines will be overloaded with love
We will sing along with the birds, a joy scream
We can sing a song called: “I love you”
Throughout a year, but today let us sing
Higher and higher, feel that song with emotions
Disconnect the conflict, connect a peace of mind,
Come and give me a cuddle, say:
“I’m glad you’re still mine”
Until today, without love,
Salt might be sweeter than sweets,
Sugar might be sourer than salt.

The couple of minutes we had mean a lot,
You look hale and hearty throughout the season
Maybe some diseases are afraid
They are afraid to come near to your body
Although you’ve turned into a bag of bones but
Nothing seemed so strange and your sweet voice
Drives me crazy but is
A sedative for my craziness.

I wish I could hear your voice during the night,
I wish I could feel your touch during the night
You are my valentine, oh yeah! I mean it.
Grab my hand, grab my chin and step up
Onto my foot and let us cross the oceans.
The future marriage will keep us together
If the heart says yes, nobody will oppose that.

Time might not be wasted
When I observe that beauty of yours
A minute is longer
Than an hour to read your mind,
Mine is worthless compared to your mind,
Mine is richer than your mind, Mandy,
It mends the broken heart
That has weeping wounds
Your sense of humor is impressive,
Preaches to my aching heart
To stop nursing grudges.

The future kicked the past, the past passes.
The happiness began, began with new love,
I’m really happy to have you by my side
If you were a tree, then I’d like to be your roots
To hold you up and provide your leaves
With the daily bread,
Love and handle you with kid gloves.

I could have a beauty sleep on an edge of knife,
Life is lifeless, love is loveless without you.
You took all the pains pinned into my heart,
I had a sensation in my arm, didn’t you?
I was astonished and realised I owe
Life a marriage, I owe life children
I felt in love with you at first sight,
I had a vivid memory we met at the beach,
The sand was too wet and noiseless,
The sand was as soft as your skin,
The sky was as cloudy as your eyes,
The trees waving as they are greeting us
You were brimming with confidence,
Your feet walk as if they’re not touching a surface.

Oh yeah! What a blind date,
I was privy to the commitment
I think it was a privilege to meet you
Love you, but the shyness bribed my mouth
Ultimately I have failed to mug my feelings
I stride to you to say what’s bothering my heart
Your lips were stuck together with red lipstick
I wonder that you would be able
To respond to my request.

Your dress tight all over like a wrapped package
Your eyes and face were sparkling as moonlight.
The light from you dazzled me as I walked towards it
Oh yeah! If a shoe fits, why I shouldn’t wear it?
You’re a woman I love to bits, make love not war.
I really love you, Mandy, and I’m willing to stay with you.