Running bare foot on a gravel road, chasing a storm,
Screaming at the top of my lungs at the rumble
Love, come back!
With blisters under my feet, bleeding just to catch it
Regardless of the hurricanes I still crawl
Screaming at the top of my lungs at the fall
Love, come back!
Tears dropped like floods flowing freely
With water above my chest, nearly drowning
Screaming at the top of my lungs at the flow
Love, come back!

But my love didn’t even bother to look
back. Not even to take a 160Β° turn, even a glimpse.

My love left me with bruises.
With damages on the place
that I loved the most. My love left his
passion in ruins. My love also threw his
affection and attention into a stream of
selfishness just to let it sink.
My love cared no more.

At the end of it all, I stoped running, leaving my
Love behind. I realised that I was chasing a forgotten dream.
I saw the sun again.