Before you came to my life, I was doing well
While you were in my life, I was also doing well
After you have left my life, I am still doing well
I can survive with or without you
I am surviving without you
I’ll always survive with or without you
You are not a bad person though, but I’m fine with you
Just let me tell you something…

You have fooled me it’s enough now
You have lied to me it’s enough now
You have made empty promises to me it’s enough now
You have been dishonest it’s enough now
You have humiliated me it’s enough now
You have embarrassed me it’s enough now
Allow me to tell you something…

I can’t say that you were not good even though you were not.
I can’t say that that you were bad, even though you were.
I can’t say that you are a liar, even though you are one.
I can’t say that you were dishonest, even though you were.
I can’t say that you wasted my time, even though you did.
Relax lemme tell you something…

I was nothing to you but a lover and friend
I was nothing to you but an angel from God
I was nothing to you but a pillar of strength
I was nothing to you but a supportive partner
I was nothing to you but a rescue
I was nothing to you but Moses from the Bible

I took you out from Egypt
I took you out of the mud
I took you from zero to hero
I took you from the ground

I picked you up every time you fell
I comforted you every time you were in pain
I made sure that you didn’t run out of the basic needs.
Jesuu!!! What is it that I didn’t do for that person?
I made sure that you didn’t sleep with an empty stomach.
I played a father’s role in your life

What is it that I did to you to deserve this?
Why did you try to make my life a living hell?
Maybe I wasn’t good enough for you, but you were not fair serious.

I sometimes wish to start over with you
I sometimes think that things must have not been like this
I sometimes think that I should have fought harder for us.
I sometimes think that I should have not let you go.
But some things are above my control
Some things require sacrifices
You should have also tried to fight for us
You had more power to save the so-called “us”
But why me marha!!!!

I always stood by you
I always supported you in everything you did.
I was always with you no matter what
I was always with you, dark or blue
The time you were broke, I was with you
The time you had little amount I was with you
Which time was I not with you huh?
I was always there for you

Lemme tell you something…
I’m going to be successful no matter what
I’m going places no matter what
I’m going to be successful despite everything you did
I’m going to be an entrepreneur not an intrapreneur
With or without you.
Cheers to the fighters of lives and relationships
Continue fighting for what is yours.
Stand your ground, remember that losing is part of the battle
Leave room for disappointment but never give up