Through the tears
Through the pain
Through the misery
Learn to just smile
When everything falls and crumbles to the ground
Just wear a smile
When life is being unfair to you
When the tunnel is too dark and scary
Just paste a smile on your face
Sometimes we give all that we had
And end up alone
At moments we give our best
And still get hurt in the end
Just wear a smile through it all.
When the future becomes just a dark empty tunnel filled with ghosts of corruption and a succession of failures and disappointments.
Just dress up in a smile
It’s okay to cry
But never let the tears defeat the smiles
Just smile
Keep on smiling
When friends turn to enemies
And family turns to strangers
Learn to smile through it all
Don’t turn to the drugs
When life becomes rough and tough
Never make liquor your accomplice
When the future becomes uncertain
All you gotta do is just smile
When death snatches from us the ones we love
It’s natural for the tears to fall
It’s normal for the loneliness to kick in
It’s alright to not feel alright
It’s okay to feel lost
But smile through it all
Just smile
Because no matter how hard things get
God is still with you
Always by your side
And any day He’ll wipe away
The pain
The failure
The hatred
He’ll wipe it all away.