I am from a place where education is not the key to success
But having a child at the age of 16 is a blessing

I am from a place where virginity is more important than a degree
A place where they prefer to celebrate your 21st not your graduation

I am from a place where a matric certificate doesn’t mean ‘Go to varsity’
It means ‘Get married’
A place where your own father is not ashamed of telling you how many cows he wants for you
Because when he looks at you he sees money.

I am from a place where they don’t have information
But they want information
They know what they know
And they do not want to know more

I am from a place where they only speak Zulu and no other language
Where you only use English if you are talking to white people

I am from a place where they think being rich is owning 100 cows
By selling their own blood,
Killing their own wives,
Killing their own brothers and sisters

I am from a place where they think killing their own blood
will get you more power,
will get you rich.

A place that I have to call home,
but how can I call it home
when I know my father can kill me to get rich?

I wish I could call it home, but I can’t
That where I am from –