Displayed a whole lack of character when it mattered.
I keep on taking 1 step forward and 3 steps backward.
I can’t take this vicious cycle any more.
I can’t do this.
I keep losing…this ship I’m not even sure which war it follows.
I keep on stumbling and grovelling.
It’s draining, this constant trying and dying.
Not knowing what it is that I’m fighting.
I keep on thinking, who am I to change the inevitable?
Completely oblivious to the ticking clock.
But with this ticking bomb…
I keep on hoping and moping, consciously woke at this missile be it a pistol or a whistle.
It keeps me thinking and breathing.
Feeling the love that they give me.
It’s totally wrecking.
Having to watch them adapt to my uncertainty.
Not knowing which step I’ll take next, will it kick back?
Having to sit back to hear my neck crack…this shit is too tight.
Feels like a chainsaw having to sit tight, think right, be bright.
I shouldn’t have to keep up with my own light.
So bright it’s totally darkening.
Eyes constantly sparkling.
A metallic silver object to the skin, through the skin.
A black wide ribbon attached to the spine, could’ve died.
But instead I’m out here trying to rant out what could’ve, would’ve, should’ve been right.
What could’ve been done.
By the power vested in me…
I now pronounce you without a soul.