I let her go,
Not because I was weak,
Not because I didn’t love her,
But because it was the least
I could do for her.
Because I respected myself enough,
For that I wasn’t tough,

I mean she was fed up
So I couldn’t force her to stay
But let her go her way,
I’m just letting you guys
Know that if you see her
With another man, even if she’s doing good or suffering
Don’t come running to me
Because I don’t care,
She chose her way.
So in her life now I got nothing to say.

I let her go and
It hurts but time heals,
Even now I’m sleeping
In my bed thinking where
Did we go wrong
Drinking my pills,

Soon I will be out there
Living life without her,
Part of me is down
But another part says
Thank God she’s gone
Thank God me and her are done.
Is it normal?
I guess it’s part of healing,
Trying to make myself feel better,
I mean I don’t know whether to be hurt or rejoice
All I know is that every day I can’t sleep
Listening to her taped voice.
Looking at our pictures and videos
Pictures we took together with my phone,

I just can’t believe that
We couldn’t work out
I mean it’s been three years trying but we were never really happy,
Yes we sacrificed a lot for each other,
And I’m hurt but glad to finally hear that I was a stress-reliever
Because I could see the useless fights
Came from anger,
Anger I did not cause

So I let her go
I let her go because I was also tired of being blamed for everything,
I let her go because I couldn’t stand the punishment for his sins
And all the bad he did to her before me,
I let her go because I’m the one who mended her heart pieces into a heart again
I let her go with pride because I’ve been in so much pain,
And that now has caused my heart a stain
To fun but not to catch
Happiness over everything it is.