‘Education is the key to success’
This is what I was told and I believed it
‘Education is the key to success’
Believe me, sleepless nights were spent on academics
In preparation to witness ‘Education as the key to success’
And in the wake of unemployment statistics
I caught my soul demoralized
Feeling lethargic
In a room of confusion
Shedding tears of affliction
For thy ‘Education is the key to success’
Whom should I blame?

Tell me, tell me how do I preach or motivate
That education is the key to success
While educated beings out there are poor as a church-mouse
Suffering the pain of being jobless
Swimming the deep pool of hunger for opulence
If I may ask: Will the young generation believe in education as key to success?
Believe me, this is mentally disturbing
Mentally tormenting
Holding qualifications that you worked for yet they can’t provide for you
As such, I define education as the back up to the land of prosperity
Whom should I blame?
I was narrow-minded from childhood and I failed to think out of the box
Because I was surrounded by singers singing the song ‘Education is the key to success’
People who called themselves motivators yet they were one-sided
Blind enough to see the naked truth
Maybe, maybe if I was told that starting your own Thing is the key to success
I could have been far, far away enjoying the fruits of my tree
How do I preach that education is the key to success
While educated beings out there are as poor as a church mouse
Whom should I blame for thy ‘Education is the key to success’