Our forefathers worked hard as slaves in the mines.
Our ancestors were disrespected, discriminated against
And humiliated in the past.
They were those miners who performed gumboot dances.
Why would I wish to become a photocopy and not an original?
How could I use chemicals on my hair?
On African hair that is thick.
On African hair that is strong.
On African hair that is stretching.
On African hair that is strengthening my African look.
I am black you’re black.
How could I abandon a black child?
A child who has no parents.
A child who has no food on top of the table.
A child who has no home.
A child who has no hope.
How could I look down on the disabled?
How could I not feed the disabled children?
Children who cannot do anything for themselves.
Children who struggle to stand properly.
Children who can’t speak their mother’s tongue.
How could I not help the blind children?
Those dark eyes that can’t see the universe.
Those blind eyes that can’t see blessings.
Those dim eyes that can’t see light.