It’s a gigantic power to perform excellently.
It’s a weapon to fight every life battle.
It’s a feeling of trust to those who mistrust.
It’s healing to a dead soul.
It’s medicine to the sick.
It’s our home of identities.
It’s a road to success.

Hope needs passion, patience, inspiration and motivation.
Hope needs dreams and imaginations.
Hope builds self-guidance and self-actualization.
Hope builds self-esteem and self-realization.
Hope multiplies the tool EGO.
Remember courage is not happening in the absence of fear.
Be strong and be ready.

Hope rejects the word ‘fail’ but prefers re-do.
Hope rejects an idle soldier but prefers a hard worker.
Hope rejects a coward but prefers courage.
Hope rejects an imitation but prefers the original.
Hope rejects evil but prefers the sacred.

Let us not be the victims of earth bugs.
Let us not be the victims of suicide.
Let us not be pessimistic but optimistic.
Let’s remember that we cannot see the future, for it is not transparent.
But predictions and positive thoughts means HOPE.