Hlalani, my dwelling, my domicile
This is how I view you
Your ever dusty monotonous gravel roads
Your comic houses engulfed by tall trees
Originated from Mount Zion yet full of wicked deeds
You’ll never get tranquillity in this village
Neighbours always swear at each other
Fighting fiercely when intoxicated
Small children so reluctant to set off to school
No promising expectation, no unity, no amity
Just calamity
When it’s dusk and you enter the first lane of my village
You’ll see earliest thugs glancing at your possessions
With frightening facial expressions
Then an apprehensive sentiment that takes its toll
Starvation is the middle name of Hlalani
When you pass by my village during the day
You’ll perceive some attractive Equus asinus with lean structures
And Canis familiaris seeking food in all quarters
Due to humungous starvation
Hlanani, my dwelling, my domicile
You have never given me the love
That any typical child deserved
But proclaiming the truth
Doesn’t say I complain
I am successful
And I have vanquished
Those ghastly circumstances
I have acquired endurance, fortitude and charity
I thank you Hlalani
For giving me an opportunity to reside in you
And now I have an attitude
Of gratitude