Here’s to the ones

Who take the bull by the horns and never give up.
Here’s to that person who tries his best to make it count.
Not forgetting that man who always says:
“I will never sell out to get access”.
Know this, I’m on the same wavelength as you.

Here’s to the ones

Who cast no doubt on the word of God for it is true.
To those people who gain wisdom and assimilate knowledge, I see you!
Here’s to that person who makes love the ultimate objective in life.
To that prodigal who found his way home; you did the right thing.

Here’s to the ones

Who have metal courage and metal faith.
To that student who burns the midnight oil to polish school records, know this,
It is far from being impossible.
Here’s to that person who spurns evil things but strives to put brakes on crime.
To those who refuse to go off the rails, this one’s for you.