Her beauty is in her hips
And lips the way she moves
Its like she has no joint
Her smile scores her points
She is my African woman
The kind of woman every
Brother wishes to have as
A wife, a woman they can keep
For life.
Her beauty flows from head
To toe, I wonder how many
Hearts she tore, her beauty
Turns heads, men just take
An eye tour
Angingabazi ukudalwa kwakho
Ngixegamadolo ngomzimba wakho
Ngithatshiswa yisilimo sakho
Lokiziphatha kwakho.
Wena ntombe ‘litshatshazi
Obuso bubukhazikhazi
Ngitsho kuwe ntokazi…
Ufanelwe ukukhutshelwa
Amathokazi uphathwe
Hawu mamuhle ntokazi!
Amathanga akhe aqatha
Mahle okwethanga nxa
Ebobotheka muhle okwelanga
Unyathela ngesineke
Njengenkosazana pho uzafa
Hayi ngobuhle bakho ngiyababaza
Wamuhle ntokazi wanuhle nkosazana
My true African woman ungitshiya
Ngingelamathe sengathi ngidle
Amaganu wamuhle ntombi
In her beauty I surrender!