This is my story!
Written in the days hoary
by the Lord in glory
Scripted by the Creator
He is the Narrator
the one and only Director
From the beginning, when He made man
in Genesis, I was part of His plan
Grace is my story to tell,
a real story, it’s no fairy tale
“Once upon a time”, it begins
Like all other stories
mine too has twists and turns
It was not always glories
though it’s what everyone yearns
for. Once I and the world were twins
buried in the depth of my sins
It’s a tragedy to which I saw no ends
this night we became friends
a history I longed to suspend
In this great dark pit
Grace tried reaching out
I rejected it, thinking I’m unfit
because I was fooled by doubt
choked by lies, I couldn’t shout
Grace rescued me
Love welcomed me
His presence restored me
His mercy, I still see
It ends with happily ever after
Rest assured, it’s a life of laughter