You were on his knees.
Holding his two legs
With your warmer, soft
Hands. Saw you at the
Back of a taxi.

Pleading kind like
Praising the guy.
Heard you confessing
Your guiltiness.
Watching your oval
Smooth face full of

It hurts me seeing
Tears all over your
Face. When I remember
How most of you,
Played us as your home
Boys. Calling us with
Sorts of names making
Us characters, fooling
Us with all excuses.

Saying not good in bed,
Not good in caring.
You are doing sour
Things about your own
Country man. Wondering
Where was their romance,
When they kick you like
A dog.

Heard friction words
Pitched to you my
South African girl.
I have witnessed harsh
Words to so-called
‘Romantic guys.’ my
South African girls you
Let us down.

Down to talk us like
Bad to them. You revealed
Our manhood to Niger boys.