Breath …
Shivers down my spine traveling all the way to my midriff,
Heart fluttering in my chest like it’s Daytona,
I feel my midriff in exertion, my knees frail as I’m pacing down the thoroughfare,
A fervent orison asking for sanctified shielding,
As I come to a halt I make a recce of these streets paved with ferocious hearts,
As I come to a halt I make a recce of these streets paved with desolation,
A fervent orison for my heart to mend from all the anguish,
Struggling to stand on my feet,
Asthenia attacking my whole body preventing any possibility for me to catch my breath,
Slowly gathering my strength,
I find myself reminiscing about how he violated my rights when I couldn’t give him what he wanted,
I’m reminiscing about how my life was dependent on his hands,
I’m reminiscing about how I saw my life flash in front of my eyes,
Suddenly I can’t catch my breath no matter how hard I try,
Shivers down my spine traveling all the way down to my spine.