Who said being black is a curse?
Who said being black means poverty?
Who said being black is a disadvantage?

I can be black and be successful.
My skin colour doesn’t determine my level of intelligence.
Being black doesn’t mean I’ve got a ‘black mind’.
Being black has never been a disadvantage for me.

Being black has actually taught me much.
Being black taught me respect.
Being black taught me principles.
Being black taught me morals.
Being black taught me how to love.
Being black taught me how to be strong.

Gone are the days where your skin colour would determine your fate.
Gone are the day where blacks were discriminated against because of their skin colour.
Gone are the days where certain places were only for whites.

We are a rainbow nation.
You are able, despite your skin colour, you are able.
Your skin colour shouldn’t limit you.
We are all the same, no matter our skin colours.