The land of hope
The land of wealth
Yet their people are becoming poor each and every day
Whilst the privileged are becoming richer

Oh what went wrong poor Africa,
What happened to the belief of ancestors,
What happened about ukuphahla? (Ancestral praising)

Why can’t we just be one and
Forget about xenophobia and stuff,
Why can’t we conserve this beautiful land?
Where a child goes to school without school shoes
While we have extra cash not knowing what to buy

Where our sisters are going through
Menstrual discharge without sanitary towels,
Yet we’re so eager to use costing condoms,
Why can’t we just be one and help each
As we always say “izandla ziyagezana” (one hand washes the other).

Let us wake up and unite,
Let us fight poverty together
Instead of fighting each other,
Let’s pave a clean way for the future generation.
Let us respect to have respect.