Absent father where are you?
Your child needs you.
You asked my mother out
With the intentions of spending your whole life with her.
Considered her your pillar of strength
But what happened afterwards?
Whenever you saw her, you smiled.
Had butterflies in your stomach
But when she grew a “butterfly” in her stomach,
She was no longer your ride-or-die
So what happened afterwards?
Absent father where are you?
Your child needs you
She’d talk ‘bout you,
Believed that she got a good man
Whenever she was hot (angry),
You were the fan
But what happened afterwards?
You asked her to move in with you.
She agreed because she loved you
But when I was created, you asked her to move…out
So what happened afterwards?
Absent father where are you?
Your child needs you
She suffered with me (your sperm),
Trying to support me, with what she could bear
Didn’t you say: “Whatever happens, I’ll always be there”
But what happened afterwards?
She worked till she was 8 months pregnant,
So I don’t have thoughts like “Why was I born”
You used to tell her, when she bore your child,
You’d sing a lullaby till dawn
So what happened afterwards?
Absent father where are you?
Your child needs you
My mother’s water broke, but she was all alone
Her first thought should’ve been you,
But she asked her neighbour for help,
‘Cause you weren’t there
Tell me, what happened afterwards?
She was in labour.
Her eyes with tears,
Not only because of the pain
But with the thought
“I’m going to have a fatherless child”
So please tell me what happened afterwards?
Absent father where are you?
Your child needs you
I was born, raised,
But still didn’t notice that Dad wasn’t around
Till I was in a fight and the boy said:
“Go tell your father” while I was on the ground
Just tell me please, what happened afterwards?
I was in pain ALL THE TIME
‘Cause of seeing and hearing children talk ‘bout their fathers
My mother tried her best to give me both sides of love,
But it wasn’t enough, it pained me rather
SO PLEASE TELL ME, what happened afterwards?
Absent father where are you?
Your child needs you no more
My mother never once bad-mouthed you
But only said sweet things
Now I’d question myself
“Why isn’t he here, if he was that kind of a loving guy?”
You know what? Don’t tell me what happened afterwards
I’m old, matured and I’m able to do things on my own.
I’ve learnt things the hard way.
But one thing I know, I’ve grown
Absent father I hope you see me from afar
And regret why you left.
I’m not angry at you, anymore.
My mother is the one
Who should have that much hate
I actually miss you,
Because I could’ve learnt how to date…
But now it’s too late