INT: Afternoon, afterschool in PALESA’s room. 14:35.
Karabo knocking at Palesa’s room and Palesa let her in
PALESA: (on edge) You’re late
KARABO: (sarcastic) Hi Palesa, I’m good, thanks for asking
PALESA: (on edge) Come sit here
Palesa escort Karabo to her study desk, she lets her sit while she stands
PALESA: (excited) Are you ready?
KARABO: (sarcastic) I was born ready, surprise me
Palesa opens her laptop and goes to her drafted emails and opens the latest one
PALESA: Go ahead, you can read
Palesa is anticipating with excitement, while Karabo is reading an email she drafted.
Karabo’s eyes widens and her jaws drop, she looks at Palesa with shock painted on her face
PALESA: What, why are you looking at me like that?
Karabo looks at her in disbelief then continues reading the email till the end
(After a short while)
Karabo is dead shook over what she just read, she is completely speechless
PALESA: (anxious) What do you think? are there any alterations I need to make or anything I can add to sound more convincing?
KARABO: (snaps back to reality and she’s unimpressed) Heee, e la mosadi, keng se, why are you saying that you are Themba and Gugulethu’s adopted daughter? ….. No, no, no, before you answer that, first things first let’s start with the obvious question, where are you getting this information about Thembalethu?
PALESA: you know I know my way around the internet, not to brag but, we both know I am a good researcher
KARABO: Cool I won’t dispute that, but how sure are you that this information you have is accurate? Have you even validated it?
PALESA: Yes, I have! I checked their previous hospital records, the adoption agency they worked with and they confirmed, that indeed, they have a child whom they gave up for adoption. And guess what, I know this might sound Ludacris, but her and I share the same birth date and we were both born in the same hospital. (Nodding her head) I know, mind blowing right. Bleeew (does hand gesture) and the fact that I was adopted opens a huge possibility that I could be their child
KARABO: (livid) Are you out of your mind? Palesa you are playing a dangerous game here. This is not like the time you convinced Amanda that she was had superpowers so you can hang out with her in her three-story house or when you told Mr Davis that your grandfather, that you don’t even have, was diagnosed with cancer so you can skip school and go stalk Thembalethu when they were in town. This is serious, who is going to believe you? they won’t believe you; I mean even I, myself, don’t believe you
PALESA: (trying to convince Karabo) With all the receipts I have, believe me, they will be convinced
Karabo looking at Palesa in disbelief
KARABO: You are playing with fire friend and I have a feeling you will get burnt. Themba and Gugu are powerful people and we both know they are not perfect and clean as they appear to be. They’re probably whining and dinning with some dangerous people. Are you sure you want to test them because I wouldn’t dare try to
PALESA: (bored) Agrh, now you just ruined my mood
KARABO: Sorry, but I have to pull you back into reality coz clearly you are in La La Land
Palesa is defeated
PALESA: (pitiful) Come on Karabo have a little faith me, chomie
KARABO: (over it) Honestly, I wish I could, but I swear you’ve depleted the faith I had for you a long time ago
PALESA: (pitiful) Let me try my luck, I mean what could go wrong?