INT. Hoarders house, now a little less messy. Dad is making eggs. His cellphone rings suddenly. Dad answers. Maddy’s voice sounds off stage.
MADDY: (sounding out of breath) Dad, I’m at the hospital!
DAD: (surprised) Hello? Maddy? Maddy, I …
MADDY: (panicked) The baby’s coming!
DAD: What!
MADDY: (crying) It’s too soon. She’s too little. I can’t do this!
DAD: Listen to me. It’s going to be okay.
MADDY: No it’s not! It’s not! She’s not ready! I’m not ready!
DAD: Maddy you can do this! Listen to me! Listen to me! I’m here, okay. Nothing bad is going to happen, okay? I promise.
MADDY: (Takes a deep breath) Okay…
DAD: Okay?
MADDY: Okay. Are you sure you can’t come?
Dad looks dubiously at the front door.
DAD: (anxiously) I … I … Honey, I …
MADDY: It’s okay. I shouldn’t have rushed you. Can you just … Can you just stay on the phone with me till they take me in for surgery?
DAD: (holding back tears) Of course. I’m here. I’m here. (pause) Did I hear you say ‘she’ just now?
MADDY: (smiling) It’s a girl! We’re thinking of naming her after Mom.
DAD: I’d like that.
MADDY: The neighbours tell me you’ve been cleaning out the house …
DAD: I have. I have! I haven’t left the house but …
MADDY: Dad it’s okay. I know how hard that must have been for you. Just …
MADDY: Sorry, the doctor is here. (Talking to someone off stage) Dad, I have to go …
The phone cuts put. Dad sits quietly at the table for a long moment. He gets up and strides purposefully towards the front door. He takes several shaky deep breaths and flings the front door open.
DAD: (shouting out the front door) I have a granddaughter! I have a granddaughter! I’m a grandpa!
He quickly shuts the front door in a panic. He sighs relieved and proud of himself.
Tell us: What do you think will happen now?