At the apartment.

Tebalo throws himself on the sofa, gave a huge sigh and takes out the ring he bought Precious. As he stares at it with his mind deep in thoughts, his cellphone rings.

Tebalo: (Snaps out of his thoughts and answers the phone.) Hello!

George: Tebalo.

Tebalo: Dad. Is everything okay?

George: Everything is fine son. I was just checking if you still remember the time you’re supposed to be at the airport.

Tebalo: Yeah! I’ll make sure we are the airport by 10h00. Anyway, I have to go. Kiss Ma goodnight for me.

George: OK. Let me leave you to it!

Tebalo: Bye.

At Precious’ home.

Precious and Carol are in Precious’ bedroom with the light off. Both of them are holding flashlights in their hands.

Precious: I can’t believe we’re still doing this. (Laughing)

Carol: What! You know we do this every time you stay over. Come on, turn on your flashlight.

They both turned their flashlights on and pointed them to their face.

Carol: Do you remember how Leah would wake us up to do this?

Precious: Yeah. She would tell us scary stories. I used to be afraid of those stories they still give me nightmares.

They both laughed.

Carol: You were such a cry baby. I couldn’t believe you are the first born. I still can’t.

Precious: You and Leah were always so strong. I always wished I had your strength. You obviously took after Ma.

Carol: Well… You’re not bad yourself. You’re going to fly to New Zealand! I have to say I’m still surprised.

Precious: Well, I can’t remain as the weak one forever, can I?

Carol: (Smiles) You took after daddy. So soft and gentle.

Precious: (Smiles) I miss them.

Carol: Yeah, me too. And I’ll let you in on a secret, Leah kind of creeped me out too.

Precious: You don’t say!

They both laughed.

Carol: I better go to my room unless we want Ma storming in here and telling us to shut up.

Precious: Yeah, we better stop talking. But you’re not going anywhere. We have to sleep together remember!

Carol: OK!


Tell us: What do you think of Precious relationship with her sisters?