(Nthando runs to Bozza Gang’s place. They are shining their guns and planning their next mission. Nthando enters.)

Bozza gang: Hai man sweet potato, what do you want here? This is not a good time to be here; you are not supposed to see all of this. What do you want?

Nthando: Where did you get the necklace that you gave me?

Bozza Gang: (Turning to the gang) Can you give us some fresh air.

Gang member one: Ah mara Bozza, time is not on our side.

Bozza Gang: Hey fokof, I want to talk to my queen.

(They exit)

Nthando: Don’t tell me you killed someone for that necklace?

Bozza Gang: Listen here. If you tell anyone about what you saw today, I will kill you. Don’t come here uninvited and ask me stupid questions. Yes I kill people for money. You can try and report me to the police and see if something will happen. Now fokof.

(Nthando runs away)

(At Thabang’s house, he is sitting on the bed crying. He goes to the wardrobe and takes out his father’s gun — it sends memories flashing, taking him back to the shooting range with his father.)

(The police knock at the door)

Thabang: Who is it?

Seargent Khumalo: It’s Seargent Khumalo.

(Thabang puts the gun back and goes to open the door)

Seargent: Good day Thabang.

Thabang: Good day Sergeant Khumalo.

Seargent: My boy we won’t be long, we just came to check on you. How are things?

Thabang: It’s hard, but my uncle tries to bring me groceries, and I am still going to school.

Seargent: Good my boy. We haven’t found the people who killed your parents, but we’re still searching. If you suspect someone please let us know, and remember don’t take the law into your own hands.

(Sergeant Khumalo leaves and falls onto his bed from exhaustion.)


Tell us: Do you agree with the words of Sereant Khumalo?