When you left I lost myself and lost track of life. I could not believe that you were really gone forever.

When you left there was an empty void in my life, which was filled by heavy drinking; alcohol became a place of solace and a friend that I hung out with every day.

When you left you took a part of me with you and I see no way of making myself whole again.

When you left the jokes we used to make no longer brought laughter as they also served as a reminder that I can never again hear your laugh.

When you left it was without warning. We still had plans and goals we were going to achieve together, but now those have since perished.

When you left life became messed up and confusing, even the littlest of tasks became large mountains to climb.

When you left I realised that we should have taken more pictures together of the times we shared. Your death might have some meaning or purpose, but at the moment I don’t see the bigger picture.

If you could hear me now I would want you to know that I will never forget you and the memories we shared; I will forever cherish them. Rest in peace.

Tell us: What helpful advice do you have for someone who is grieving?