People are often limited by what they see outside. I can call the appearance my cover and the contents my actual book. Many people usually look for the perfect cover when searching for a book. The disappointment is that the time spent on the cover, is typically the time taken to perfect a book. The people that generally try to look perfect on the outside, are hiding what they have inside.

I’ve seen many people who are very confident and good-looking fail to treat everyone around them well. Abusive people usually try to hide their actual image to the public by cleaning up well. Many people choose the wrong life-time partners because of the failure to understand that, the features that are visible on the outside, don’t necessarily match the actual character. I’ve also met people who seemed to be intellectually gifted, only to find out that none of my expectations were met. Many things can appear convincing but usually end being failures.

I’ve met humble individuals who fail to make an effort to look the part, fighting flesh & blood to finally reach their goals. I’ve seen many talented people who failed to make it in life. I thought of a time when, I went to the library and looked at the cover of the encyclopedia. It looked sort of uncool, but as I opened it to fish out information, it came in handy. As I was moving through the library found a lime colored book with a very bright and beautiful cover, I literary fell in love with it, but as I read it I found out that it was full of folktales.

I started thinking very hard about how the elderly appear, how old they are and how childish they were. This made me to think that, it’s better to forget the age and consider the character instead. It’s funny how ironic this sounds, but I’ve learned to understand that, covers that look perfect don’t necessarily guarantee sweet contents. In normal terms, the looks of a person should never be used determine what kind of a behavior patterns one will encounter.

It’s a wise individual who discovered the ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ philosophy. This is a lesson to the world teaching us that some of the odd things in life can be important in helping us somehow or somewhere in life. It’s a statement that will help individuals to eliminate the act of underestimating things that usually look small and start paying attention, this is also a prompts me not to be judgmental and that judgement should be eliminated. This reminds me of a saying that says, “dynamite come in small packages” it tells me that the person who those words was aware that the important people that save us, are the people in the back of our minds.