They say what you see when looking at yourself in the mirror is the true reflection of who you are.

I believe that with my God given talent for writing, I can achieve a lot, because I’m a very passionate and talented writer who trusts that words are more powerful than anything else. Writing, to me, is more than just taking a pen and paper and write, no, it’s more like being at home, a place which is always there for me when reality gets tough and a place where I can express my feelings. It’s my safe haven. It is a place where I get lost in my own world of thoughts, dreams and aspirations.

They say what you see when looking through the mirror is the true reflection of who you are…

The woman behind the mirror:

There she was standing in front of the mirror, with her reflection staring back at her. There stood a strong, beautiful, courageous and intelligent black woman.

Looking at the mirror she is reminded of the pain, sorrows and sufferings she had to endure all her life because of body shaming. While standing there, a split image of a little girl who always dreamt of being a strong woman who will make a difference and leave a mark in the world, by living her life on her own terms and not the terms of society.

She is not carrying the burden of living someone else’s life in her own body. The mirror reflects her true identity, hidden deep down inside her soul. A reflection locked because of the who’s, why’s and what if’s of the society. She is taking down all her dreams, desires and self-belief, reaching a point where she felt the need to change who she is.

Her values, morals and integrity had to change because of the need to fit in, even then her true reflection still reflects in the mirror, showing her who she has become.

A woman with no dignity and has lost her identity, a woman who now depends on every material thing of the world, just to be recognised and accepted, bit by bit, becoming a selfless woman. A woman willing to give up and change who she is all because of failing to accept her identity.

Still the bitter truth of it all is that the mirror is always there and reflects a reminder of who she is… the woman behind the mirror.


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