Peace, you’re such a tremendous blessing and your relation with nature brings wonder and joy to us; those who are suffering from various forms that come with life. Your effect touches our souls and through those broken pieces in our hearts, it brings light. How did God invent you, you wonderful feeling?

Many individuals seek to find you, but they cannot, as they choose to live with life rather than being alive. We all tend to look for confidence and a high self-esteem rather than you because we know the effect that you bring as we hear about it from people, but we never experience having you.

Sometimes you touch our hearts and it is only after you do that that we feel relieved, but we are never aware of being with you as negativity always finds a way to remove you in certain moments in our lives.

However, I have found a place that brings me closer to you and I will always go to that place as I never want to let you go.

Oh Peace, you tremendous feeling.


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