The year is 2020, the first month of the beginning of new things, making resolutions like they would come true. Some may say I sound negative but how many of us are still struggling to complete resolutions we made last year. In life we wish for many good things but making them a reality takes a lot of sweat and hard work. My resolution for this year is to do better than the previous year. I don’t want to list all the things I wish for, but with God’s help I already feel blessed.

You know that feeling, that excitement you get when a new year starts, hoping things will change but after a few days it starts to feel like last year, the only thing that changes is the year.

As black people we are still struggling with saving money. In school we were not taught how to be wise with our money and save for the future. If you’re lucky enough you get streetwise financial freedom, some may be confused but let me inform you. I did not go to college or varsity to learn about how to save money for future needs, it’s something I was taught by my mother as a young boy. Growing up in a financially struggling family you learn to save every cent you get, hoping it will make a difference in future financial problems.

When I was still in primary school I used to save my lunch box money and sometimes my mother would borrow from my savings. I grew up with that mentality of knowing that saving money is the most important thing in life.

I also sold sweets in school. When I started high school I wanted to grow my small business, I became a small entrepreneur. I sold sweets, chips and some biscuits to name a few things. This made me realise that being your own boss is the way to go. I used to buy my own clothes and toys from the money I earned.

I lifted the burden from my mother knowing that I was helping towards the household needs. I’m in my early twenties and working towards leaving my own mark. I’m a big dreamer, there are many ideas and plans that I have to make a difference, but the problem is in achieving them. They require money which is something young black South Africans are still struggling with.

Most of us end up doing jobs that we don’t like because of the daily expenses and our dreams take a back seat. I’ve been working for almost four years for the company I’m currently in, they don’t pay well as most of us are always complaining. I made a commitment to myself that I will not work more than five years for this company, all I want is to achieve those few things I require and go to greener pastures.

My dreams are simple. I want to be my own boss. God gave me talent. I’m good with my hands. There are loads of things I do, it would be a sin against God if I leave this world without using my talent. We are all gifted in different ways, I believe talent pays better than acquired skills.


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