I always imprison myself with my thoughts, thinking that the next person will understand what I’m thinking; they probably never understand what I want.
I always think that everything will eventually take its course, but it doesn’t.
I find being me is hard, because everything that happens revolves around me. My heart is always my prison because I can’t seem to get out of it. I try so hard to express how I feel to others, but I just get so self-centred.
I really don’t like my prison because I get so angry at myself and start crying. My heart is like a prison, waiting to be released, by me, myself.
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34 Responses
That words are so true we mostly find ourself inprisoned by ourself and don't know how to get out and live again and how to anjoy life
Its so heartbreaking to tell someone how you feel but still they don't seem like they understand the feeling inside you