There was a little girl called Nancy. Nancy was around 13 years old and she lived with her mother in a small house. Nancy’s mother only had one eye. Growing up Nancy noticed that her mother was different from the others because of this one eye, but as curious as she was she couldn’t ask her mother about the eye, she didn’t want to look like she was disrespecting or offending her.
One day she got the courage to ask her mother about her eye.
“Mom there’s something I want to ask you,” said Nancy.
“ I wonder what’s that, but okay it’s fine my baby girl. Ask as long as it’s not about money,” said her mom.
“What happened to your eye?” Nancy asked.
Her mother laughed, “Nancy why are you asking me now, after all these years?”
“I was afraid that you’d say I was disrespectful, but it’s fine if you don’t feel like sharing mom,” said Nancy.
“No! Don’t worry. Come sit down next to me and listen.”
“I still remember like it was yesterday. You were about six years old, you were playing with your friend. I don’t know what happened, but she threw a stone at your face and I heard you crying. We quickly went to the hospital, but unfortunately you lost your eye, the stone damaged your eye. I was so worried so I offered you my eye. I didn’t want children to laugh at you and others gossiping about you, I just wanted you to be like other kids your age,” admitted her mom.
Nancy was so surprised, she realised that her mother loved her more than anything and that she would always protect her.
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