Darkness blanketed the sky outside her window, like a premonition of the darkness that was to come. Inside a house filled with an eerie silence that could drive fear into the bones of some, there he lay with no air in his lungs, with no soul in his body and with no words to bring comfort to his daughterโ€™s broken little heart.

She realised death never favoured her as the tears that fell from her perfectly toned face were unable to soothe the cracks in her heart. Pain surged through her body as she tried to evade the emotional agony with a razor-blade cut. To her, the odourless, crimson liquid smelled like freedom; it smelled like freshly picked jasmine.

Morning came representing the light in her life. With the cry of a newborn baby girl and a smile of adoration from a good man who called her his wife. She watched her husband hush their baby from the hospital bed where she sat, as she cried tears of joy and contentment.


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