Lindy walks to Sizwe’s house and knocks, Sizwe opens up.

“Hey Sizwe, we need to talk about something.”

“Baby I am busy at the moment can we talk later,” said sizwe.

“No this can’t wait.”

As Sizwe was about to close the door, “I am pregnant.”

“What do you mean you are pregnant?” asked Sizwe.

“Exactly that ngikhulelwe.”

“You better get rid of it,” said Sizwe

“What do you mean?”

“Lindy I am too young to be a father, what will my parents say? I am not working, who will take care of a child, so make a plan.”

Lindy slapped Sizwe.

“Uyahlanya I am not going to do anything about it. You are going to take responsibility and we are going to raise this child together.”

After that Lindy went home. Her mother saw that she is not okay and she asked her what’s wrong.

“Lindy want’s wrong my baby? You don’t look okay and you look like you have been crying.”

“Mama there is something I need to tell you,” said Lindy.

“What is it?”

“Mama I’m pregnant.”

Her mother sat down for a moment.

Lindiwe I am not going to say much, but I am going to be with you every step of the way.”

“Thanks Mama,” said Lindy standing up to hug her mother, “but why do you look like you were crying?”

“It’s Sizwe. He says he’s too young to have a child and I must make a plan to get rid of it.”

“Don’t worry, he will come around.”

A few months later Lindy is walking to the shop. She see Sizwe with a group of girls carrying alcohol. She ignores them and goes into the shop. She comes back carrying bread and milk.

Sizwe grabs her arm and she screams, “Sizwe you are hurting me!”

“Baby I miss. I see you haven’t got rid of it yet,” said Sizwe.

Suddenly Lindy drops the milk and sees blood running down her legs. She called out for Sizwe who was drunk and he came to her and carried her. He looked for a taxi and asked the driver to take them to the hospital.

They admitted Lindy, she had a c-section and the baby didn’t cry. The baby was a girl. The doctors put her in an incubator and Lindy’s mother arrived at the hospital.

Lindy’s mother got into the ward and found Lindy crying, “Lindy everything is going to be okay. Don’t worry Sisi just be strong for your child, she needs you more than ever.”

“Mama I don’t know if she is going to survive.”

“Sizwe come in. I am going to buy some food, you must be hungry,” said Lindy’s mother.

She got out of the room and left Lindy and Sizwe alone.

“I am sorry for everything. I should have been there for you and our baby. Sorry,” said Sizwe.

“It’s fine I forgive you.”

The doctor came in, “The baby is finally breathing on her own so she will stay here at the hospital for a few weeks in an incubator, but you can go home just to rest because you are going to need it,” said the doctor.

The doctor went out, the nurse got in and discharged Lindy. Sizwe helped her and they went home.

A few weeks later Lindy got a call from the hospital telling her to come immediately. She called Sizwe and told him to accompany her. They went to the hospital. Lindy was panicking, Sizwe had to calm her down.

Finally the doctor came to them carrying a baby. He said, “Here is your baby. Congratulations, you are going to make good parents.”

Lindy smiled, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Sizwe took the baby from the doctor and held her.

“No what if I break her, she looks fragile,” Sizwe said.

Lindy took the child from Sizwe.

“She is so small.”

She had Sizwe’s eyes. She was sleeping.

“What do you think we should we name her?” asked Sizwe.

“Minentle,” said Lindy, “because she made our day.”

The young parents walked to the taxis and went home.


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