Among the unusual incidents in life, no event could have filled me with greater anxiety than seeing Lucille homeless. I mean, Lucille had the best childhood, and seeing her in that state, then I knew life was unpredictable.

Lucille was the only child, she lived with her parents and she probably had everything. Her mother gave her an allowance every month and I remember we disliked her because she always bought so many things at school.

Things went really well for a while, but then turned disconcerting. Her mother was diagnosed with cancer, and her father had sorrows for the suffering or distress of his wife. But just after the passing of Lucille’s mother, everyone else was surprised. Lucille’s father didn’t show up to the funeral. Only then did they realise that he had taken almost everything with him besides Lucille. Lucille came home to nothing, and now whenever I pass through the park, I see Lucille and the homeless people sleeping on the benches.


Tell us: How do you think the writer could help Lucille?