We longed and longed. Looked carefully, cautiously for what could come to life. Alive but we kept on walking.
Bring it on. Show it up. Along the way it appears in mind, soul and heart. Can’t you let it be Universe?
You can see it in your mind. You can feel it with your heart. Your soul starves the longest for it. But you can’t touch it. It kept on and on, the longest starve.
Cries about it went on. It’s all in the mind. We’ve got to have it. Reach for it. Apprehend it. Bring it to life. Visions. Dreams.
We got to get away from this longing. To reach our purpose along the way. We’ve got to make it through from long starvation.
Sometimes it feels away from it all till the time “it” returns. Then the heart beats faster, adrenaline. Breathing becomes heavier, because it’s the longest ride and journey.
It’s life giving us lemons to be turned into something that strengthens us and guides us. It will teach us lessons. It will help us to survive.
It’s the longest, it’s the longest starve. Strive.
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