Sometimes life is riotously unpredictable. One moment things go smoothly; the next moment they go astray. What actually is life and its intention for us? If someone says they know what life is they would be lying and ignorant and would not realise it could sometimes be against us.

I never thought that one day I would be so frustrated and in this excruciating experience I am in right now. But looking at those who have gone through similar circumstances, it’s true that every cloud has a silver lining, and lightning will never strike in the same place twice. I’ll definitely stand by those words and never give up.

I still have a long journey and many things to accomplish in life, regardless of how many times I fall or fail. I’ll only focus on my desires and goals to achieve. I will not always be in this kind of situation; everyone has their days of fortune. It all becomes worth it when you finally live your dreams. It is said: ‘At the end, everyone will harvest the fruits of their labour.’

Remember there are no shortcuts in life, hence it is often said: ‘Easy come, easy go.” Sweat for what you want so that you can live in peace and rejoice.’

It is definitely hurtful seeing our young kids and generation engaging themselves in different things that will eventually destroy their lives while their journey and purpose of living is still long. How I wish they could listen and be reprimanded, but their aged eyes only hear their elders wails, and that tickles them. And predominantly, their behaviour leads them to death.

For now, as they’re still dependent on their parents, they’ll just see life as simple as vowels. Life is fiendishly ruthless in a way that you wouldn’t think it could be. But one thing for sure is to work hard while parents are still helping you in everything you need so that in future you could stand on your own and face the reality in the flesh.

Fail and get up until you get what you want in life. There’s no free ride in life because free- riding will absolutely lead you to do illegal activities that will destroy your life for good by throwing you behind bars.


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