My heart is like the rain, it hits the ground hard to slowly evaporate but I still get hurt. How is this possible? My heart is no longer tangible, my soul no longer bound to my body, my mind is distant, so I’ll ask again, how do I get hurt?

My back has more knives than a knife block, my heart has more bruises than a skateboard junkie with no gear. Yet I still get hurt, how is this possible? Am I inhuman to endure so much yet beg for more?

I run back to the same cause of my pain repeatedly, and my saddest. Am I alone or am I just wishing to go? I ask myself that every day but to my surprise I move further away from the answer. The more I talk, the more I ask, I will never find what I search for. Instead, I will move further away. When people need me, I’m always available, but when I need them they’re never around. How is this possible?

How is it that I am used and abused but still go back saying ‘next round’? Everything I say or do is never enough. My heart breaks and my soul shatters yet I still smile. Is this normal? Am I the only one that experiences this? How is it possible that I am the only one that feels this way?

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